HunchBuzz has been designed with an inclusive view to user interaction, the intent is to encourage people to contribute with the minimum of gates to pass through. In our experience we find that review stages inhibit engagement and most organizations are generally self-managing when it comes to inappropriate or off-topic content.
Having said that HunchBuzz offers a number of ways to manage behaviors and the general conversation flow:
- Our paid plans offer the ability for users to report an idea to admins for review.
- Admins and their designated Challenge Champions (SME's) have the ability to edit or delete any idea or comment at any time. (Champions monitoring, curating and engaging in challenges is a very positive way to guide interaction and expectations in general.)
- Idea stages can be configured to allow or disallow commenting and/or voting.
- Admins can manage and delete all attachments from a central dashboard.
- Every user interaction is recorded in a central event log that admins can easily examine.
- Custom terms of use can be defined which users must agree to before they use the HunchBuzz.
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